
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sock Hop and Quizzes Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the 50s sock hop so students can either wear their uniforms or if they'd like wear their 50s costumes.  Students seem very excited about the dance; it should be a lot of fun.  Hope to see the kiddos at 6:30!  Anyways, on to the important stuff.

5th Grade: students will have a short quiz about Greece tomorrow.  This will focus on Athens and Sparta and a smidgen about the Persian Wars.  You all know the drill, short, simple, and sweet.  The kids will be fine.  We are around half way through our jam packed Greece unit.  We're ending the Golden Age today with the Peloponesian War and will have Alexander conquering by next week.  We will discuss some mythology which will tie nicely into their art class.  We are still too far out to know when the test will be, but expect another quiz in a week and a half or so.

6th Grade: students will have a short quiz about the Olmec, Maya, and a bit of the Aztecs tomorrow.  We are still learning about the Aztecs, which we'll spend another two or so days on.  We will move on to the Inca next.  I am hoping to add more about North American Native Americans of the period; I just need to find more resources for the students.  I simply detest how the book glosses over whole areas... although when I've searched to expound I can often see why books make these choices.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.  As always, if you hear of any parents not receiving these, let me know so I can get their emails and add them to the list.

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