
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why be at FCCS?

I was asked this question the other day by a parent I respect and care for deeply.  I am not eloquent nor a smith with words, but I have pondered that question intensely since it echoed in my ears.  My immediate response was because this is the finest education FCPS has to offer.  But how is it the best?  How can I say that being so young and optimistic?
I have been teaching full time for seven years.  This is my second school in my career at FCPS.  Prior to graduating college, I long term substitute taught high school in Carol County.  I student taught at what was considered one of the “preferred” middle schools.  I also spent significant time subbing and observing in two other county schools.  I have never felt happier in a placement, never more empowered to teach.  You may be thinking talking about myself is just stalling on the question, why have my children at FCCS?
Under my instruction I feel have fostered a community with my 79 students.  In that community I have had your children complete tasks that were challenging and engaging.  Many of those students completed them to near perfection.  I have seen students who struggled in the beginning of the year to keep up with the rigor shine with excitement and joy in their eyes.  Daily I see students hungry for learning.  It is empowering and contagious.  6th grade students have been using excerpt chapters from high school texts to learn about civilizations and empires that many adults had never even heard of.  While reading those high school texts, I did not hear complaints or the dreaded “I can’t do this.”  Instead, those students, your children rose to the occasion.  I have seen the opposite; I have seen and taken part in the simplification or dumbing down of material to reach the lowest common denominator that students have in drive, motivation, intelligence, and effort.  Here we are doing the right thing, empowering those students who struggle to rise up with the tops of the class.  This isn’t unique to my 6th graders either, 5th grade has shown similar traits.  I can personally vouch that your 5th grade children are completing the very same activities and tasks that I have watched 8th graders fumble on.
FCCS, however, is more than academics.  I described my students as a community, and I feel that whole heartedly.  I am not pretending that at times students don’t get along, or that there are times kids aren’t kids.  My heart feels full with the smiles of your children.  I see students helping others with directions and assignments, sharing materials, picking things up that are dropped, and cheering for the successes of others.  I see students I do not even teach smiling when they see me, acting polite, and I see excitement.
I am under the opinion I am working with the best staff in the county.  There is not an individual I do not respect in this school.  I see teachers putting in far beyond the normal work hours; I often take part in this too.  We do it because we care, because we love your children.  I have witnessed far more tears than I care to recall due to the challenges we face daily.  Teachers face multiple preps and style of education that takes time to grow into.  Yet despite these challenges, there hasn't been a day I haven’t had a smile on my face or haven’t looked forward to seeing the student’s smiles.  How many other people in other professions can truly look forward to their job every day?
As for my head of school, I have never felt more supported as a teacher and I have never seen some a person try to wear so many hats at once.  I am given autonomy and freedom to push my students in their studies in the direction I as a professional see fit.  I am thankful for Ms. Piro.  I can understand how her style can turn some people off.  I can why there are complaints about communication.  What makes me confident and not worried is I see why there are problems.  I feel we can find solutions.  Our school needs an administrator like Ms. Piro.

What is most exciting is the fact that this is only the beginning.  I was hired in July and given two new curricula.  Compared to my other colleagues, I received an easy “gig.”  Our school, for the 6 or 7 months it has existed has done so much and come so far.  It has so much more to grow.  Up till now and for a long time still there will be pain, challenges, and strife that threatens to destroy this institution I have grown to love.  For some, it will be easier, more convenient, or better fitting to disembark from our school.  We will miss you and contributions to culture and community, but we must keep the course set.  We have the potential to meet the ideals that have been set in our charter, please trust the staff to grow into those ideals.  Remember we have converged from many different places in our careers to help make this shared vision a reality.  I am fully confident in this; I wish my enthusiasm could be visible to you as you read my words.  I thank you for making FCCS what it is today and for the hope of an even greater tomorrow.

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