
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Quizzes Thursday

Both 5th and 6th grade will have quizzes on Thursday.  They can study with the quizlets below:

5th Grade

6th Grade

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Greece Quiz Wednesday and Africa Test Friday

5th Grade will have a quiz on Greece on Wednesday, 2/12.  They can study using this quizlet below:

6th Grade will have a test on Africa on Friday.  They can study using the jeopardy below:

Friday, January 10, 2020

6th Grade test (1/16) and 5th Grade quiz (1/17)

6th grade will have a test on their Asian Empires unit on Thursday 1/16.  Jeopardy is below.

5th Grade will have their first Greece quiz on Friday 1/17.  A quizlet is below